Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Momrow Road, Sand Lake, NY
Saturday, August 1st, 2015
2:00pm (rain or shine)

         Dear Members and friends,

         As announced in our previous mailing, we are breaking with tradition this year and will celebrate our Swiss National Day on a Saturday. We are also getting ready for our yearly gathering and election of officers (President, Vice-President and Treasurer). Please fill out the form below with your suggestions. All members present will vote on the new slate during this meeting.

Paul Tobler, our vice-president, is inviting all members and guests to join him for the Celebration of our Holiday at his beautiful property in the hills near Troy, N.Y. We thank Paul for his continued generosity. 

         The official part of our celebration starts around 4:00pm with the greeting and taped English address to the Swiss Abroad by the President of the Confederation, Simonetta Sommaruga.

         Hot Bratwursts, rolls, coffee and soda will be served and the traditional First of August pin will be available for sale. As usual the funds raised will go to help the Pro Patria organization to  promote Swiss culture and preserve natural areas.

          Please bring a dish to share. We will set up a few tables, buffet style, for the enjoyment of all. Don’t forget to bring chairs and picnic tables and your picnic fork and knives if possible.

         Return your response by July 24th to give us a better idea of how many participants we can expect. This will make our preparations easier. You can also email or telephone me.

                 We hope to see you all at our Bundesfeier. As this is our only official meeting we hope that we will have a great turn out.